Visit our office
PUNARBASA (An organisation for Awareness of Rights and Rehabilitation of Physically and Intellectually Challenged) & PHYSIOTHERAPY AND REHAB CENTRE
At- Madhapur
Post- Kendrapara
District- Kendrapara
Pin- 754211
Mobile No :
Secretary - 8917366470
Assistant Secretary-8249010085
President- 7978550894
Vice President - 9437196175
Therapeutic & Rehabilitative services to CwIDs through Home Based.
Under this SSEPD Dept. supported project those children having severe disability with cerebral Palsy are provided with Home based therapy services considering their in accessibility to therapy centre due to lack male member and other related financial constraints for commutation.
At present a total 16 numbers of CwIDs getting Home based therapy by Physiotherapist accompanied by an Assistant to Therapist.
Particularly the stroke survivor, Spinal injury survivor and others those who badly required rehabilitative Physiotherapy services nearest to their home instead of travelling miles to Cuttack and Olatpur.
Now the centre is running with full phase capacity with trained and well qualified Physiotherapist with all latest modern electro therapy equipment.