Most often, we view disability with all negative narration. The age-old
societal stigma debars people having disability to live equally with dignity
along with the major abled people of the society. For this typical unliberal
mindset of the society, persons with disabilities have been deprived of
including themself in the mainstream of social life since long.
In much late, regulation and laws came in to force to emancipate this most vulnerable and marginalised community of the society. However, many vital issues are still unaddressed and facilities available to them are still unreached to this Physically and Intellectually Challenged minority community.
PUNARBASA as a voluntary organisation committedly and relentlessly working for the Awareness of Rights and Rehabilitation of Physically and Intellectually Challenged persons particularly belonging to Kendrapara district. In its various activities starting from providing therapy within a reasonable charge, extending support to different types of PwDs both financially, technically and by providing required assistive devices to economically weaker PwDs to enable them lead an economically independent, sustainable and self-dependant life with our unwavering rehabilitational support.
Despite of enactment of strong laws by centre and accompanying with different social security measures by the state Govt., the preconceived notion towards disability community is still persisting in the general public at large. To stand with a differently abled person is no more a charity-based activities but the law has made it a Right based now.
Many roads ahead….
To look a person with disability differently with all basic human dignity is also our ultimate mission. Though it is a Herculean task to change the year-old mindset of the general public, our effort in creating Awareness with knowledge and Information based Research and Publication to transform the traditional unprogressive, unaccomodative mindset will remain constant and rock solid.
(Dr Biraja Routray)
Founder cum Chief Advisor